If your school is approved for distance/hybrid learning with MindTap, please submit this form to receive weekly emails with a detailed report on students’ active time within MindTap.
Accreditation Reports will take 2 weeks or more to setup but all the completed hours from the date of student registration will be included. Once setup, password protected access to Excel reports will be emailed each Saturday with all historical data/hours for each learner enrolled in the course(s). Only time spent completing activities in the Learning Path will be recorded. Please be sure they’re logging into the Cengage website (and NOT using the mobile app) and spending their time in the Learning Path to obtain hours.
Click here to see a detailed video tutorial about using these reports.
Tired of requesting these reports? CIMA, our digital learning platform, can help streamline your program’s operations. With self-service analytics, time tracking and reporting tools built right into CIMA, you can easily generate and automate all the reporting data you need. Learn about CIMA and request a demo.